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Confettura di fichi d’India


Confettura preparata secondo la ricetta tradizionale, senza l’aggiunta di coloranti e conservanti, selezionando attentamente solo i frutti migliori che, grazie alle più recenti tecnologie di cottura, mantengono il loro gusto originale inalterato nel tempo. Ideale da spalmare su pane fresco o fette biscottate, è perfetta come farcitura di torte e crostate.

SKU: FOOD-000145 Categories: ,

Composta Di Fichi d'India


  • Fichi D'India 60%
  • Zucchero


  • pectina
  • Acido Citrico

Senza Glutine


Local production area

Scadenza minima*

3 mesi



  • Credit card – All major circuits, including VISA, MasterCard and American Express.
  • Prepaid card – PostePay, Visa Electron and others.
  • Paypal – Through PayPal account.


  • Italy: Orders are delivered by UPS within 2 business days from shipping (first delivery attempt).
  • World:
    • Orders shipped to the United States are usually delivered in 3 to 8 business days from shipping. Due to customs import restrictions, shipments containing wine will be made in packages separated from other goods.
    • Orders shipped to the European Union are usually delivered in 2 to 3 business days from shipping.
    • Orders shipped to other countries are usually delivered in 2 to 8 business days from shipping, depending on the destination.


Returns are possible within 14 days from reception. For more details, please refer to our Cancellation policy.